Peace pledge project

The supreme value of loving kindness and compassion can have an enormous positive impact on the world today. These values in action help us realize our humanity and are the foundation for necessary just policies to bring peace and stability.

It is an essential birthright for all humankind to live in peace, have clean water, healthy food, shelter, education, and economic equality. It is our moral right to protect the planet that has been entrusted to us. We honor these rights and commit to sow the seeds of loving-kindness and compassion in all manifestations.


A pledge to advance peace and harmony

Results so far:

  • The Peace Pledge has been translated in 12 languages, it reached millions of people so far via our pilgrimages, educational programs, Facebook and Instagram
  • It has been voiced by the spiritual leaders to their communities
  • The Peace Pledge has been implemented within education programs in India and Pakistan

Next steps:

  • To increase the number of spiritual leaders/religions signing and supporting the peace pledge
  • implementing its values in more education programs around the world

Sign the Peace Pledge

Let your voice be heard

Thousands of adults and children already endorse the Peace Pledge.

Initiators / Peace pledge council


Murshid Karimbakhsh Witteveen

Former Managing Director IMF

(† April 23rd 2019)

Murshid Karimbakhsh Witteveen is one of the former leaders of the International Sufi Movement in Geneva and The Hague. At the same time he is an economist, who has been a professor in economics, Minister of Finance and vice Prime Minister in the Netherlands and later Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund. He has shown in this career how the inner and outer life can grow together, inspiring and testing each other. As leader of the International Sufi Movement – together with Murshid Hidayat Inayat Khan, the son of Hazrat Inayat Khan – he has succeeded in creating a harmonious cooperation between the different Sufi organizations that are following Hazrat Inayat Khan’s message, creating in that way the Federation of the Sufi Message. Murshid Karimbakhsh has brought many different spiritual leaders of Sufi orders, who recognize this universal character of Sufism and other leaders of mystical orders in other religions harmoniously together in international Sufi conferences.

Jonathan Granoff (Ahamed Muhaiyaddeen)

President, Global Security Institute


Mr. Jonathan Granoff, an international lawyer, serves as a Senior Advisor and Special Representative to the United Nations for the Permanent Secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates. He is the President of the Global Security Institute, Chair of the Task Force on Nuclear Nonproliferation of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association, and Ambassador for Peace and Security of the Parliament of the World’s Religions. He focuses his advocacy efforts on the legal, moral, political and spiritual dimensions of peace with a particular emphasis on the rule of law and the elimination of nuclear weapons. An award winning screenwriter, he is a widely published scholar and serves on numerous advisory and governing boards such as the NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security at the UN, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, Middle Powers Initiative, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament, and the Jane Goodall Institute.

He is a Fellow in the World Academy of Arts and Science and recipient of numerous awards such as the Arthur E. Armitage, Sr. Distinguished Alumni Award of Rutgers University School of Law. He has represented the Nobel Laureate organization the International Peace Bureau at Nobel Laureate Summits and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. Since his youth he lived and studied with the Sufi Saint Bawa Muhaiyaddeen and is honored with his namesake Ahamed Muhaiyaddeen.


Jonathan Granoff (Ahamed Muhaiyaddeen)

President, Global Security Institute


Mr. Jonathan Granoff, an international lawyer, serves as a Senior Advisor and Special Representative to the United Nations for the Permanent Secretariat of the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates. He is the President of the Global Security Institute, Chair of the Task Force on Nuclear Nonproliferation of the International Law Section of the American Bar Association, and Ambassador for Peace and Security of the Parliament of the World’s Religions. He focuses his advocacy efforts on the legal, moral, political and spiritual dimensions of peace with a particular emphasis on the rule of law and the elimination of nuclear weapons. An award winning screenwriter, he is a widely published scholar and serves on numerous advisory and governing boards such as the NGO Committee on Disarmament, Peace and Security at the UN, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, Middle Powers Initiative, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament, and the Jane Goodall Institute.

He is a Fellow in the World Academy of Arts and Science and recipient of numerous awards such as the Arthur E. Armitage, Sr. Distinguished Alumni Award of Rutgers University School of Law. He has represented the Nobel Laureate organization the International Peace Bureau at Nobel Laureate Summits and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. Since his youth he lived and studied with the Sufi Saint Bawa Muhaiyaddeen and is honored with his namesake Ahamed Muhaiyaddeen.


Pir Shabda Kahn

Director, Sufi Ruhaniat International


Shabda Kahn serves as Pir (spiritual director) of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, a branch within the spiritual lineage of Pir-o-Murshid Hazrat Inayat Khan. He is also a teacher and performer of Hindustani classical vocal music, Raga, in the Kirana Gharana style, serving as director of the Chisti Sabri School of Music, within the lineage of his teacher Pandit Pran Nath, at whose direction this school was formed and placed in Shabda Kahn’s care.

At the request of his Murshid Pir Moineddin, Shabda Kahn was initiated as a Sheikh (spiritual guide) in 1977 by Pir Vilayat Khan, eldest son of Inayat Khan. He was initiated as a Murshid (senior spiritual guide) in 1994 by Pir Hidayat Inayat Khan, son of Inayat Khan. In 2001, at the death of Pir Moineddin Jablonski, Shabda Kahn succeeded him as Pir of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, by Pir Moineddin’s appointment. Shabda Kahn is also a disciple of the illustrious Tibetan master, the 12th Tai Situ Rinpoche, and was deeply influenced by his twenty-two year relationship with the great American mystic Joe Miller.

As Pir, Shabda Kahn directs the leadership circle of the Sufi Ruhaniat International as well as its board of trustees, and serves as spiritual director for the Dances of Universal Peace, worldwide.

Brigitte van Baren

Co-founder Living Peace Projects, director Inner Sense


Brigitte van Baren studied Dutch law in Amsterdam and specialized in environmental law. She founded Inner Sense in 1992. Inner Sense aims to enhance inner depth in the corporate and industrial world by applying ‘essentials in leadership’. Inner Sense has endorsed the values of the Earth Charter, working with the framework and striving to achieve fair and sustainable leadership. An integral part of this vision is the engagement of young (potential) leaders at events concerning sustainable leadership. Brigitte van Baren has led projects for international organizations; coaching and training people in leadership positions, managers and teams.

Furthermore, she is an author and a Zen teacher. She works with the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (known as VNO-NCW). She has organized several international conferences and initiated the Wings conferences by organizing Wings for Rio+20 and co-organizing the Wings for Earth Charter (VNO-NCV and Soetendorp Institute) and Wings for Water and Wereld Waterdag (commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs) international conferences.


Brigitte van Baren

Co-founder Living Peace Projects, director Inner Sense


Brigitte van Baren studied Dutch law in Amsterdam and specialized in environmental law. She founded Inner Sense in 1992. Inner Sense aims to enhance inner depth in the corporate and industrial world by applying ‘essentials in leadership’. Inner Sense has endorsed the values of the Earth Charter, working with the framework and striving to achieve fair and sustainable leadership. An integral part of this vision is the engagement of young (potential) leaders at events concerning sustainable leadership. Brigitte van Baren has led projects for international organizations; coaching and training people in leadership positions, managers and teams.

Furthermore, she is an author and a Zen teacher. She works with the Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (known as VNO-NCW). She has organized several international conferences and initiated the Wings conferences by organizing Wings for Rio+20 and co-organizing the Wings for Earth Charter (VNO-NCV and Soetendorp Institute) and Wings for Water and Wereld Waterdag (commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs) international conferences.

Sign the Peace Pledge

Let your voice be heard

Thousands of adults and children already endorse the Peace Pledge.

Be part of the Peace Pledge project

The Peace Pledge to Live
Loving-Kindness & Compassion


Intending to advance peace and harmony in our personal lives and in the world, we affirm the following:

We commit to treat all lives with loving-kindness & compassion.

We reject the distortions of religious, national, and racial prejudice, which are used to violate the Golden Rule to treat others as we wish to be treated.

We respect the diversity of ways people pursue their individual ideals.

We challenge the misuse of beliefs, rites, rituals, practices, philosophies, and traditions used to degrade anyone or which lead to violence. We affirm the necessity of bringing loving-kindness & compassion into action.

Through such actions, we seek to improve the relationships of people, one nation to another, one religion to another, one belief system to another, one gender to another, one race to another, and one person to another.

We call upon all people of good will to join this pledge.

We pledge that in all we intend, think, and do, we shall strive to bring loving-kindness & compassion into action and into the lives of all we meet.

De Belofte van Vrede om te leven in
Liefdevolle-Welwillendheid & Compassie


Met de intentie om VREDE en HARMONIE te bevorderen in ons persoonlijk leven en in de wereld, verklaren we het volgende:

We zeggen toe alle levens te benaderen met LIEFDEVOLLE-WELWILLENDHEID & COMPASSIE.

We wijzen de verdraaiing en van religieuze, nationale en rassen-discriminatie af, die gebruikt worden om de Gouden Regel – behandel anderen zoals we zelf behandeld willen worden – te schenden.

We respecteren de diversiteit van  handelen waarop mensen hun individuele idealen nastreven.

We stellen het misbruik aan de kaak van geloofsovertuigingen, sacramenten, rituelen, oefeningen, filosofieën en tradities die worden gebruikt om iemand te vernederen of leiden tot geweld. We onderstrepen de noodzaak om LIEFDEVOLLE-WELWILLENDHEID & COMPASSIE in daden om te zetten.

Door zulke daden streven we ernaar de verhoudingen tussen mensen te verbeteren –van de een natie tot de andere, van een  religie naar een andere, van een geloofsovertuiging naar een andere, van het  ene geslacht naar het andere, van de  ene ras naar het andere,  en van de ene persoon naar de andere.

We roepen alle mensen van goede wil op om mee te doen aan deze belofte.

We beloven dat we in al onze intenties, gedachten en daden en in al onze ontmoetingen er naar zullen streven LIEFDEVOLLE-WELWILLENDHEID &COMPASSIE te verwezenlijken.

Das Friedens Versprechen Liebende-Güte & Mitgefühl zu leben.


In der Absicht, FRIEDEN und HARMONIE in unserem persönlichen Leben und in der Welt zu fördern, versichern wir das Folgende:

Wir verpflichten uns, alle lebenden Wesen mit LIEBENDER-GÜTE & MITGEFÜHL zu behandeln.

Wir lehnen religiöse, nationale und rassistische Vorurteile ab, welche zu Menschenrechtsverletzungen angewandt werden.

Wir respektieren die unterschiedlichen Wege von Menschen bei der Verfolgung ihrer individuellen Ideale.

Wir verurteilen den Missbrauch von Glauben, Riten, Ritualen, Praktiken, Philosophien und Traditionen, um Menschen zu degradieren oder anzugreifen. Wir bestätigen die Notwendigkeit LIEBENDE-GÜTE & MITGEFÜHL zu praktizieren.

Durch solche Einstellungen versuchen wir die Beziehungen zwischen Menschen, Nationen, Religionen, Glaubenssystemen, Geschlechtern, Rassen und Personen zueinander zu verbessern.

Wir rufen alle Menschen auf, dieses Versprechen zu unterstützen.

Wir versprechen, dass wir in Allem was wir beabsichtigen, denken und tun, danach zu streben LIEBENDE-GÜTE & MITGEFÜHL in Aktion und in das Leben derer, denen wir begegnen zu bringen.

 L’Engagement pour la Paix de Vivre selon la Bienveillance et la Compassion.

Le Périple de la Vie est un Pèlerinage – les Belles Vertus en sont une Boussole.

Dans une volonté de développer la paix et l’harmonie dans nos vies personnelles et dans le monde, nous affirmons ce qui suit:

Nous nous engageons à traiter toutes vies avec bienveillance et compassion.

Nous rejetons les distorsions des préjugés religieux, nationaux et raciaux, qui sont utilisés pour violer la Règle d’Or de traiter les autres comme nous voudrions être traités.

Nous respectons la diversité des manières selon lesquelles les gens poursuivent leurs idéaux individuels.

Nous contestons l’abus des croyances, des rites, des rituels, des pratiques, des philosophies et des traditions qui sont utilisés pour dégrader quiconque ou qui conduisent à la violence.

Nous affirmons la nécessité de mettre la bienveillance et la compassion en pratique. Par ces agissements, nous cherchons à améliorer les relations entre les peuples, d’une nation à l’autre, d’une religion à l’autre, d’un système de croyance à l’autre, d’un sexe à l’autre, d’une race à l’autre, et d’une personne à l’autre.

Nous appelons toutes les personnes de bonne volonté à rejoindre cet engagement.

Nous nous engageons à nous efforcer de mettre la bienveillance et la compassion en pratique dans tout ce que nous décidons, pensons et faisons, ainsi que dans les vies de tous ceux que nous rencontrons.

La Promesa sobre la Paz Para Dedicarse a la AMOROSA BONDAD Y COMPASIÓN


Con la intención de promover la paz y la armonía en nuestras vidas personales y en el mundo, afirmamos lo siguiente:

Nos comprometemos a tratar a todas las vidas con amorosa bondad y compasión.

Rechazamos las distorsiones de los prejuicios religiosos, nacionales y raciales, que se utilizan para violar la Regla de Oro que trata a los demás como deseamos ser tratados.

Respetamos la diversidad de formas en que las personas persiguen sus ideales individuales.

Desafiamos el uso indebido de creencias, ritos, rituales, prácticas, filosofías y tradiciones utilizadas para degradar a alguien o que conducen a la violencia. Afirmamos la necesidad de llevar la amorosa bondad y la compasión a la acción.

A través de tales acciones, buscamos mejorar las relaciones de las personas, de una nación a otra, de una religión a otra, de un sistema de creencias a otro, de un género a otro, de una raza a otra y de una persona a otra.

Llamamos a todas las personas de buena voluntad a unirse a esta promesa.

Nos comprometemos a que en todo lo que pretendemos, pensemos y hagamos, nos esforzaremos para llevar la amorosa bondad y la compasión a la acción y a la vida de todos los que conocemos.

L’impegno Di Pace a Live Loving-Kindness & a Pietà


L’intenzione di promuovere la pace e armonia nella nostra vita personale e nel mondo, noi affermiamo i seguenti:

I impegniamo a trattare tutte le forme di vita con Amorevole Gentilezza e Compassione.

Respingiamo le distorsioni dei pregiudizi religiosi, nazionali e razziali, che vengono usati per violare la Regola d’Oro di trattare gli altri come noi vogliamo essere trattati.

Rispettiamo la diversità dei modi in cui le persone perseguono i loro ideali individuali.

Ricusiamo un uso improprio di credo, riti, rituali e pratiche, filosofie e tradizioni utilizzati per degradare qualcuno o che inducono alla violenza. affermiamo la necessità di mettere in atto AMOREVOLE GENTILEZZA E COMPASSIONE.

Con tali azioni, cerchiamo di migliorare le relazioni della gente – una nazione ad un altro, una religione ad un altro, un sistema di credenza ad un altro, un genere ad un altro, una corsa ad un altro ed una persona ad un altro.

Chiediamo a tutte le persone di buona volontà di unirsi a questa promessa.

Promettiamo che in tutto ciò che intendiamo fare, in tutto ciò che pensiamo, in tutto ciò che facciamo, ci sforzeremo di mettere in atto e nella vita di tutti coloro che incontriamo AMOREVOLE GENTILEZZA E COMPASSIONE.

Barış Ahdi İyilik ve Merhameti Sevmeyi Yaşamak

Hayat yolculuğunun kendisi bir hac,
güzel meziyetler ise birer pusuladır.

Kişisel hayatlarımızda ve dünyada barışı ve birliği geliştirmek için:

Tüm canlılara İyilik ve Merhametle davranacağımızı taahhüt ediyoruz.

Bize davranılmasını istediğimiz gibi başkasına davranmamızı söyleyen Altın Kural’ı ihlal eden ulusal ve ırksal ön yargıyı ve dinin tahrif edilmesini reddediyoruz.

Bireylerin kendi fikirlerini gerçekleştirirken izledikleri yolların farklılığına saygı duyuyoruz.

İnançların, dini törenlerin, usullerin, felsefelerin ve geleneklerin bir kişiyi aşağılamak veya şiddete yol açmak için kullanılmasının karşısında duruyoruz. İyilik ve Merhameti Sevmenin hayata geçirilmesi gerektiğini vurguluyoruz.

Bu tarz eylemler aracılığıyla, bireylerin, ulusların, dinlerin, inanç sistemlerinin, cinsiyetlerin, ve ırkların birbiriyle olan ilişkilerini daha iyiye yönelik geliştirmeyi amaçlıyoruz.

Hüsn-ü niyet sahibi herkesin bu yemine katılması için çağrıda bulunuyoruz.

Niyetlendiğimiz, düşündüğümüz ve yaptığımız her şeyde ve karşılaştığımız her kişininyaşamında ‘İyilik ve Merhameti Sevme’yi harekete geçirmek için çabalayacağımıza söz veriyoruz.

Мировен Залог за живeење на Љубовна Љубезност и Сочувство


За да го зголемиме МИРОТ и ХАРМОНИЈАТА во нашиот личен живот и во светот, го практикуваме следново:

Се посветуваме да се однесуваме кон сите со ЉУБОВНА ЉУБЕЗНОСТ & СОЧУВСТВО.

Ги отфрламе сите изобличувања на религиските, националните и расистичките предрасуди, коишто се користат да го прекршат Златното Правило, кое гласи да се однесуваме спрема другите онака како што сакаме тие да се однесуваат спрема нас.

Ги почитуваме различните начини со кои луѓето ги следат своите индивидуални идеали.

Се спротиставуваме на злоупотребата на верувањата, обредите, ритуалите, практиките, филозофиите и традициите кои се користат за да деградираат некого, или пак кои водат
кон насилство. Ја нагласуваме потребата да се спроведат на дело ЉУБОВТАНАТА ЉУБЕЗНОСТ и СОЧУВСТВОТО.

Преку ваквите дела ние се трудиме да ги подобриме односите помеѓу луѓето – помеѓу една нација со друга, една религија со друга, еден систем на верување со друг, еден пол со друг,
една раса со друга, помеѓу една личност со друга.

Ги повикуваме сите луѓе со добри намери да се придружат на овој залог.

Се залагаме дека во секоја наша намера, во сè што мислиме и правиме ќе тежнееме да ги воведеме на дело ЉУБОВНАТА ЉУБЕЗНОСТА и СОЧУВСТВОТО, како и во животите на сите околу нас.

Obećanje na mir i život u ljubavi, dobroti i saosećanju

Životno putovanje je hodočašće;
lepi kvaliteti su kompas.

Sa namerom da povećamo MIR i HARMONIJU u svojim životima i svetu, potvrđujemo sledeće:

Obavezujemo se da ćemo se ophoditi prema svačijem životu sa LJUBAVLJU, DOBROTOM i SAOSEĆANJEM.

Odbacujemo iskrivljene religijske, nacionalne i rasne predrasude koje se koriste da krše Zlatno pravilo da se ophodimo prema drugima onako kako želimo da se ophode prema nama.

Poštujemo raznovrsnost načina kojima ljudi streme ka svojim idealima.

Izazvaćemo zloupotrebu verovanja, obreda, rituala, praksi, filozofija i tradicija koje se koriste da degradiraju druge ili vode u nasilje. Potvrđujemo neophodnost stupanja LJUBAVI, DOBROTE i SAOSEĆANJA u akciju.

Kroz takvo delovanje, težimo da poboljšamo međuljudske odnose – između nacija, između religija, sistema verovanja, polova, rasa i između individua.

Pozivamo sve ljude dobre volje da se priključe ovom obećanju.

Obavezujemo se da ćemo u svakoj svojoj nameri, razmišljanju i radu, težiti da sprovedemo LJUBAV, DOBROTU i SAOSEĆANJE u delo i u živote onih koje sretnemo.

Клятва о Мире и Жизни в Любви, Доброте и Сострадании.

Жизненный путь — это большое путешествие,
на протяжении которого нашим компасом являются добродетели.

Намереваясь приумножить МИР и ГАРМОНИЮ в наших собственных жизнях и в мире в целом, мы заявляем следующее:

Мы обязуемся относиться ко всем живым существам с ЛЮБОВЬЮ, ДОБРОТОЙ и СОСТРАДАНИЕМ.

Мы не принимаем искажений, вызванных религиозными, национальными и расистскими предубеждениями, которые нарушали Золотое Правило — относиться к другим так, как мы бы хотели, чтобы относились к нам.

Мы уважаем многообразие путей, которыми люди следуют своим идеалам. Мы не признаем использование веры, ритуалов, обрядов, практик, философии и традиций с целью унизить кого-либо или в том случае, если они связаны с насилием.

Мы утверждаем необходимость выражать на практике Любовь, Доброту и Сострадание.

Через эти действия мы надеемся улучшить отношения между людьми — улучшить взаимоотношения между различными нациями, религиями, системами убеждений, расами, полами, и как следствие, отношение одного человека к другому.

Мы призываем всех людей, которые руководствуются чистыми и благими намерениями, а также стремятся к миру, присоединиться к этой клятве.

Мы клянемся в том, что во все наши намерения, мысли и действия мы будем стараться привнести Любовь, Доброту и Сострадание, мы обязуемся проявлять эти принципы на практике и нести в жизнь всех людей, которых мы встречаем на своем пути.

Inuunermi angalaneq angalaneruvoq sumut piffinni pinnersusilik.

Nammineerluta inuunitsinni silarsuarmilu eqqissineq pitsaasumillu inooqatigiinneq qaffassarniarlugit uku erseqqissarpagut.

Pisussaavugut inuunerit tamaasa asannitsumik inussiarnersusermillu pissusilersorfigissallugit.

Upperisat, inuiaqatigiissutsit ammillu qalipaataannik pigiliutiinnakkanik isummertarnerit akuerinngilagut. Inatsimmut Kusanartumut pineqarusunnitsituut allat pissagigut naapertuutinngitsut akuerinngulagut.

Inuit immikkuullarissumik tamarmik kusanartumik anguniakkatut takorluugaasa assigiinngissitaartuunerat ataqqivarput.

Upperisanik, iliuutsinik, pissusilersuutinik, ingerlatanik, isumalioqqissaarutinik inuiattullu/inuttullu ileqqutoqqanik allanik nungusaaniartut nakuusertulluunniit akuerinngilagut.

Anguniarparput asanninnerup misigeqatiginninnerullu pingaarutaa naqissusissallugu.

Iliuutsit taama ittut atorlugit inuit, upperisat assigiinngitsut akornanni , allatut upperisariaatsit akornanni, inuiaassutsit assigiinngitsut akornanni inuillu assigiinngitsut akornanni ataqatigiinnerat pitsanngorsarniarlugit.

Inuit ajunngitsussamik piumassusillit tamaasa kajumissaarpagut uunga neriorsuummut peqataaqqullugit. 

Neriorsuutigaarput eqqarsaatitsinni iliuutsitsinnilu tamani siunertarigatsigu asanninnerup misigeqatiginninnerullu kikkunnut naapitatsinnut tamanut iliuuseqarfigalugu eqqunnissaa.

സ്നേഹാധിഷ്ഠിതമായ ദയയോടും അനുകമ്പയോടും കൂടി ജീവിച്ചുകൊള്ളാം എന്ന പ്രതിജ്ഞ

ജീവിതയാത്ര ഒരു തീർത്ഥാടനമാണ്;
സുന്ദരങ്ങളായ ഗുണങ്ങൾ
ഒരു പരിധിയാണ്.

നമ്മുടെ വ്യക്തിജീവിതത്തിലും സമൂഹജീവിതത്തിലും സമാധാനവും യോജിപ്പും വളർത്തുക എന്ന ലക്ഷ്യത്തോടെ ഞങ്ങൾ ഈ പ്രതിജ്ഞ ചെയ്യുന്നു:

എല്ലാ ജീവികളോടും സ്നേഹാധിഷ്ഠിതമായ ദയയോടും അനുകമ്പയോടും കൂടി പെരുമാറുമെന്ന് ഞങ്ങൾ പ്രതിജ്ഞചെയ്യുന്നു.

മറ്റുള്ളവർ എപ്രകാരം നമ്മോടു പെരുമാറണമെന്ന് നാം ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നുവോ അപ്രകാരം നാം അന്യരോടു പെരുമാറണമെന്ന സുവർണ്ണനിയമത്തെ ഉല്ലംഘിക്കുവാൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കപ്പെടുന്ന മതപരവും ദേശീയവും വർഗ്ഗീയവുമായ മുൻവിധികളോടുകൂടിയ വൈകൃതങ്ങളെ ഞങ്ങൾ തള്ളിക്കളയുന്നു.

ജനങ്ങൾ തങ്ങളുടെ വ്യക്തിപരമായ ആദർശങ്ങളെ പിന്തുടരാൻ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്ന മാർഗ്ഗവൈവിദ്ധ്യങ്ങളെ ഞങ്ങൾ ആദരിക്കുന്നു.

ആരെയെങ്കിലും ഇകഴ്ത്തിക്കാട്ടുവാനായി വിശ്വാസങ്ങളേയും ആചാരങ്ങളേയും അനുഷ്ഠാനങ്ങളേയും ശീലങ്ങളേയും തത്വചിന്തകളേയും പാരമ്പര്യങ്ങളേയും ദുരുപയോഗം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനെ ഞങ്ങൾ എതിർക്കുന്നു. അത് അക്രമത്തിലേക്ക് നയിച്ചേക്കാം.

സ്നേഹാധിഷ്ഠിതമായ ദയയേയും അനുകമ്പയേയും പ്രവൃത്തിയിൽ കൊണ്ടു വരേണ്ടതിന്‍റെ ആവശ്യകതയെ ഞങ്ങൾ ഊന്നിപ്പറയുന്നു. അപ്രകാരമുള്ള പ്രവൃത്തികളിലൂടെ ജനങ്ങൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള — ഒരു രാജ്യവും മറ്റൊരു രാജ്യവും, ഒരു മതവും മറ്റൊരു മതവും, ഒരു വിശ്വാസവ്യവസ്ഥയും മറ്റൊരു വിശ്വാസവ്യവസ്ഥയും, സ്ത്രീയും പുരുഷനും, ഒരു വർഗ്ഗവും മറ്റൊരു വർഗ്ഗവും, ഒരു വ്യക്തിയും മറ്റൊരു വ്യക്തിയും തമ്മിലുള്ള — ബന്ധം മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തുവാൻ ഞങ്ങൾ യത്നിക്കുന്നു.

ഈ പ്രതിജ്ഞയിൽ കൂടെച്ചേരുവാൻ സന്മനസ്സുള്ള എല്ലാവരേയും ഞങ്ങൾ ക്ഷണിക്കുന്നു.

ഞങ്ങളുടെ എല്ലാ ലക്ഷ്യങ്ങളിലും ചിന്തകളിലും പ്രവൃത്തികളിലും, ഞങ്ങൾ കണ്ടുമുട്ടുന്ന എല്ലാ വരുടെയും ജീവിതങ്ങളിലും സ്നേഹാധിഷ്ഠിതമായ ദയയേയും അനുകമ്പയേയും പ്രവൃത്തിയിൽ കൊണ്ടുവരുവാൻ പരിശ്രമിക്കുമെന്ന് ഞങ്ങൾ പ്രതിജ്ഞചെയ്യുന്നു.

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