Blessing Sri M

Pilgrimage to convene Loving Kindness and Compassion

Sri M is a spiritual guide, social reformer and educationist. He was born into a Muslim family 1949 in Kerala The South of India. His transformational journey, from a young boy to a living yogi, is a fascinating story symbolized by single-minded discipline and dedication.  His blessing message for our Peace Pilgrimage event February 2017

“Good evening to all the distinguished members of the Universal Sufi Council and all other dignitaries who are gathered here on the occasion of the pilgrimage of love and compassion.

I’m unable to be present there in person but would like to take this opportunity to convey my words of support and encouragement to this wonderful initiative. At a time when the world listens turmoil on a number of places, it is very important that all the likeminded people come together and act together to take the message of love and compassion across the world. The Sufi message is always one of inclusion. Seeing the oneness of all beings and opening the doorway to love. It is a much needed message for these times.”

– Sri M
