The Hope Project New Delhi implemented the Peace Pledge in their education program.
The Hope was founded by Sufi teacher Pir Vilayat Khan in 1975.
In its constant endeavour to serve the poorest of the poor, the Hope Project benefits people coming from different beliefs, customs, religions or caste. All patients taking treatment from our Health Centre and Mobile Medical unit are treated with care, respect and kindness. Hope’s Non Formal School has adopted and integrated the values of love, kindness and compassion in its curriculum. The children happily signed the Peace Pledge and recite the same everyday in the morning assembly. Special classes are held for these underprivileged children in Music for Harmony for we believe these values will go a long way in making these children better individuals in their life. We hope to make a hopeful future by transforming the lives of poor, underprivileged, excluded and deprived.
Teaching children on loving, kindness & compassion.
Results so far:
Next steps:
Implementing the values of loving kindness & compassion in more education programs
We pledge
that in all we intend,
think, and do,
we shall strive to bring
& compassion into action
and into the lives
of all we meet.
Let your voice be heard
Thousands of adults and children already endorse the Peace Pledge.
Ms. Fakhira Najib, an internationally recognized leader in Interactive Radio Instruction (IRI) has more than 20 years professional experience. She is currently working as Chief Executive of Power99 Foundation.
Ms. Fakhira has conceptualized and developed Broadclass – Listen to Learn” a distance education program that combines radio broadcast with active learning to improve quality, equity and inclusiveness The use of low-cost technology has resulted in widespread uptake by schools which experience difficulties with school attendance and teacher engagement in new teaching practices. The program has been designed in such a way that it responds to all the diverse needs of the learners. The program received multiple recognitions and awards at both national and International forums She has implemented the Peace Pledge Values into her education programs in Pakistan.